Travel Guide to Sohoton Cave in Siargao

Sohoton Cove is a popular tourist destination located on the Bucas Grande Island of Surigao del Norte, Philippines. The cove is famous for its stunning limestone cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and unique ecosystem. It is considered one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the Philippines.

Sohoton Cove is part of the Sohoton Natural Bridge National Park, which spans over 70 hectares. The park is home to several marine and terrestrial species, including the rare Philippine crocodile and the hawksbill sea turtle.

One of the most popular activities in Sohoton Cove is cave exploration. Visitors can go inside the caves and witness the impressive stalactites and stalagmites formations. Another popular activity is the Sohoton Lagoon tour, where visitors can go kayaking and explore the lagoon’s calm and clear waters.

Sohoton Cove is also an excellent spot for snorkeling and swimming. Its clear waters allow visitors to see the colorful coral reefs and the diverse marine life of the area. Visitors can also enjoy the breathtaking view of the sunset from the cove.

To preserve the natural beauty and ecosystem of Sohoton Cove, the local government has implemented strict regulations in the area. Visitors are required to follow the guidelines set by the park authorities to maintain the cleanliness and preservation of the cove.


Sohoton Cove is located on Bucas Grande Island in the province of Surigao del Norte, in the northern part of the Philippines. To get to Sohoton Cove, you first need to fly to Surigao City or Siargao Island. From Surigao City, you can take a van or bus to Hayanggabon Port, which takes about 1-2 hours. From Hayanggabon Port, you can take a boat ride to Sohoton Cove, which takes approximately 1-2 hours depending on weather conditions. Alternatively, you can also take a boat ride from Siargao Island, which takes about 2-3 hours. It’s recommended to book a tour package that includes transportation to and from the cove to ensure a hassle-free trip.

List of activities you can do while you are in Sohoton Cave

Here is the list of activities you can do in Sohoton Cove:

Explore Sohoton Cave – Sohoton Cove is famous for its natural cave system with crystal-clear waters, stalactites, and rock formations. You can take a boat tour and explore the cave system with a guide.

Swim in the Sohoton Cove Lagoon – The lagoon in Sohoton Cove is a stunning sight with its clear, turquoise waters. You can take a dip or swim in the lagoon.

Visit the Jellyfish Sanctuary – The Jellyfish Sanctuary is a unique attraction in Sohoton Cove. You can witness thousands of stingless jellyfish that float peacefully in the lagoon. Visitors are not allowed to touch or disturb the jellyfish, but you can swim with them.

Go Cliff Jumping – For those looking for an adrenaline rush, Sohoton Cove has several cliffs and platforms where you can jump into the water. The most popular cliff-jumping spot is the Magkukuob Cave.

Snorkel around the coral reefs – The waters surrounding Sohoton Cove are teeming with marine life and vibrant coral reefs. You can go snorkeling and explore the underwater world.

Island Hopping – Sohoton Cove is surrounded by several smaller islands that are worth exploring. You can take a boat tour and visit these islands, some of which have their own unique attractions like caves, beaches, and rock formations.

Kayaking – You can rent a kayak and paddle around the Sohoton Cove area, exploring the various caves and lagoons at your own pace.

Visit the Bucas Grande Island – Sohoton Cove is part of the Bucas Grande Island, and there are many other attractions worth visiting on the island. These include white sandy beaches, hidden lagoons, and rock formations. You can explore these attractions by taking a boat tour or by renting a motorbike.


FAQs about Sohoton Cave:

How do I get to Sohoton Cave from Manila?

You can take a flight from Manila to Surigao City, then take a van or bus to the town of Socorro. From there, you can hire a boat to take you to Sohoton Cove.

Is it necessary to hire a guide when visiting Sohoton Cave?

Yes, it is required to hire a guide to enter Sohoton Cave. The local tourism office in Socorro can provide you with a list of accredited guides.

Are there any age or health restrictions when visiting Sohoton Cave?

Yes, visitors must be at least 12 years old and in good health to enter Sohoton Cave. It is also not recommended for pregnant women or those with heart conditions.

What should I bring when visiting Sohoton Cave?

You should bring appropriate swimwear, towels, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a waterproof bag for your belongings. You can also bring your own snorkeling gear if you prefer.

What is the best time to visit Sohoton Cave?

The best time to visit Sohoton Cave is during the dry season from December to May. The waters are calmer during this time, making it easier to explore the cave and its surroundings.


Sohoton Cove is a must-visit destination when in the Philippines. It offers an enchanting experience with its mesmerizing scenery and exciting activities such as island hopping, caving, swimming, and snorkeling. Visitors should plan their trip in advance and prepare accordingly to fully enjoy their Sohoton Cove experience. It is highly recommended to hire a local guide for a safe and enjoyable tour. The island’s rich biodiversity and stunning natural beauty are definitely worth the trip.

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